A to Z Index of all plays
- A Gentle Creature
- A Mountain of Shoes
- A Piece of Heaven
- A Very Sudden Widow
- Adrift
- Adventures in Canadian Television
- Almost Baymous
- Altar
- Amanda Greenleaf and the Spell of The Water Witch
- An Evening with Dorothy and James (1982)
- An Evening With Dorothy and James (1986)
- Andy’s Inferno
- Antidote for Life: Memory, Madness, and Beagles
- April Fools Comedy Night
- Argentine Consul
- Bakers Dozen: 12 Angry Puppets
- Barred Bard Chick Tells All In Shakspeare’s Women
- Bella Donna
- Between A Rock And A Hard Place: A Play About Burin
- Between Breaths
- Billy’s Mind
- Birth of Theatre
- Birthday Balloon
- Blue Box
- Boat Load To Ring Road
- Bonnie & Clyde
- Bonnie And Clyde Are Dead
- Borrowed Black: A Labrador Fantasy
- Boys – Homeboyz
- Brazil Square
- Broken Accidents
- Buchans: A Mining Town
- Bugs!Bugs!Bugs!
- Butler’s Marsh
- By A Thread
- I Can’t Get No…
- I.W.A.: The Newfoundland Loggers’ Strike of 1959
- I’ve Killed Before, I’ll Kill Again
- If a Place Could Be Made
- If I Were An Artist
- iFrancoPhone
- Impressario
- In On It
- In the Wings of Eden
- In Your Dreams Freud
- Incomplete Herstory of Women in Newfoundland and Labrador
- Infinity Plays
- It is solved by walking
- Ivy and the Troll
- Landline
- Last Dance at the Avalon
- Later That Same Life
- Le Jour Apres Noel, 1869
- Lemons
- List of Lights
- Live Magazine 2016-17
- Live Magazine 2017-18
- Live Magazine 2018-19
- Live Magazine 2019-20
- Live Magazine 2020-21
- Live Magazine 2021-22
- Live Magazine 2022-23
- Live Soap
- Loot
- Lost Island Opry: A City Music Cabaret
- Love and Anger
- Low Blood Sugar Sketch Magic
- Lunchtime Theatre 1980-81
- Lunchtime Theatre 1981-82
- Lunchtime Theatre 1982-83
- Lunchtime Theatre 1983-84
- Magnafoot Mountain
- Makin’ Time with the Yanks (1981)
- Makin’ Time With The Yanks (1986)
- Makin’ Time With The Yanks (2011)
- Men of Misfortune
- Migrations: A Travelogue of Music, Dance & Words
- Mixed Commotions
- Molly On The Shore
- Mom’s Girls Gone Wild
- Momentum: A Play That Travels By Bus
- Monarita
- Motherhood, Madness and the Shape of the Universe
- motherskin
- Motion Sickness Presents: From a Strange and Distant Planet
- Mr. Invisible
- Murder At The Royal Cafe
- Muskrat Dreams: A Love Story
- My Three Dads
- Mystery Bruises
- Penning the Carol (2014)
- Penning the Carol (2018)
- Penning the Carol (2019)
- Penning the Carol (2020)
- Penning the Carol (2021)
- Penning the Carol (2022)
- Penning the Carol (2023)
- Penning the Carol (2024)
- Pilk’s Madhouse
- Possible Maps (1991)
- Possible Maps (1993)
- Possible Maps (2002)
- Power of The Unemployed
- Praw-Ley, Praw-ley Not Doe!
- Proud
- Pursuit
- Salt Water Moon
- Saner and Buzzy
- Say Nothing, Saw Wood
- SchumannBrahmSchumann
- Seal Slippers
- See Bob Run
- Sex, The Rules of
- Shabaret!
- Show Me The Button: I’ll Push It (Or, Charles Lynch Must Die)
- Six Gums Headed for Tulsa
- Solastalgia
- Sold Out
- Some Slick
- Speak For Yourself/Parle – c’est l’idéal
- Spoiled Child Saves the Polar Bears
- Squawk
- St. Ella Chritch’s Day
- Stable Home: Life With Two Horses
- Stars in the Sky Morning
- Still Alive
- Stranger to Hard Work
- Striptease
- Stunned, Stung, Bitter and Twisted
- Subway To Tickle Gut
- Suits Do CODCO
- Supper Club (2021)
- Supper Club (2023)
- Tamasha-O-Tamasha
- Tangly: An RCAT Christmas Pantomime
- Terras De Bacalhau (1980)
- Terras De Bacalhau (1986)
- The 15 Minutes of Fame Game: Live Comedy Competition
- The ALIENation of Lizzie Dyke
- The Amazing X
- The Atom Station
- The Bard of Prescott Street (1986)
- The Bard of Prescott Street: A Musical (1977)
- The Battery
- The Beatles Play Bishop’s Falls
- The Best Man
- The Best of Burlesque
- The Boys Who Cried Wolf
- The Cask Of Amontillado
- The Cold War
- The Comedy is Killing Me
- The Darling Family
- The Devil You Don’t Know
- The Dialysis Project
- The Drowning Girls
- The First Stone
- The Fishwharf And Steamboat Men
- The Gingerbread Men
- The Heart Play
- The Idler
- The Jailer’s Daughter And Other Mad Fools Cracking Their Livers To Pieces For Love
- The Kraken & The Brass Button Man
- The Last Resort
- The Last Temptation Of Christopher Robin
- The Late Ed Sullivan Show
- The Madness of Lady Bright
- The Maid of Avalon
- The Mating Dance
- The Newfoundland Tempest
- The Nutshell
- The Occupation Of Heather Rose
- The Ogre’s Purse
- The Strange Case of Madame D
- The Swinton Massacre
- The Tales of Dwipa
- The Town of Tinybuckle Glen
- The Tragic Character
- They Club Seals, Don’t They?
- Three Tales of Terror
- Tibb’s Eve
- Time Before Thought
- Too Little Too Late Too Loaded
- Traditional Newfoundland Christmas Mummers Play (1981)
- Trust Me
- Twice Burned, Once Shy
- Two Productions for Young Audiences: Whispers in the Air & Jabber
- Two Works in the Works: “Petty: Where It Lives” and “This Side Up”
- Waiting For Godot
- Walking To Australia
- We Built Dis City… On Rough ‘n’ Ready Rock ‘n’ Roll Theatre
- We’re S.A.V.E.D
- Weather Permitting
- West Moon
- What’s That Got To Do With The Price Of Fish?
- Why Can’t I Play With My Thingy? Or: Cartoons Don’t Have Genitals
- Wind And Water: Stories of the Newfoundland Chinese
- With All Due Disrespect
- Wolf in The Fold (1993)
- Wolf in The Fold (1995)
- Wreckhouse