Return to Planet Phlegm
Run Dates
March 30, 2023–April 2, 2023
Header image features: Madame Daddy/Mal Parrot as Astrid Rock. Photo by Ashley Harding.

- Irma Gerd/Jason Wells Amy Jackay/Voicemail 1
- Madame Daddy/Mal Parrott Astrid Rock
- \garbagefile/Kai Bryan The Body Snatcher
- Eda Kumquat/Dace Green Roska/Voicemail 3/Newscaster
- Liezel Hues/Jamie Rigelhof The Crunchinator
- Isabella Lacey Voicemail 2
- Vivian Vanderpuss/Mackenzie Lemire Oblivian Vander-Rosk
- Amanita 95/Josh Roberts Bystander 1
- Shea Muah/Scott Tobin Bystander 2
- Kate Stenson Bystander 3
- Wych Hazel/Neska Savage Bystander 4
- Kate Stenson Stage Manager
- Mallory Clarke Directing Consultant
- Heather Rumancik Technical Director
- Jamie Headrick Choreographer/Video Editor/Props Construction
- Madame Daddy/Mal Parrott Choreographer/Props Construction
- Will Hapgood Rigger
- Eda Kumquat/Dace Green Sound & Video Editor
- Irma Gerd/Jason Wells Sound & Video Editor/Props Construction
- \garbagefile/Kai Bryan Set & Props Construction
- Bruce Whitelaw Set Construction
- Veronica Schulze Props Construction
- Christopher Deacon Photographer
- Perfect Day Graphic Design
The Phlegm Fatales packed their pockets and readied their rockets to embark on a timeless journey through space and slime. Will you be one of the fortunate few to earn a spot on their cacophonous crew?
On their journey, they seek to answer some life’s most troubling perplexities that humans have asked the stars about since time immemorial: Are we of any value in a universe so vast? Are we doomed to hurtle through an endless void desperately yearning for meaning that we may never achieve? Is Earth just a blue basketball spinning atop the fingers of a celestial overlord, waiting for the perfect moment to launch us into a black hole? (Are they trying for two points or three?) Is there really a Planet Phlegm or were we bamboozled once before? More importantly, is that where the boogers keep coming from?! These queries seem large, but you need not fear: the Phlegm Fatales are here to offer their answers in this variety drag show.
Production type
- RCA Presentation
Producing Partners
- The Phlegm Fatales