Run Dates
April 11, 2013–April 21, 2013
Header image features: Berni Stapleton (left), Amy House, Alison Woolridge. LSPU Hall file photo

- Amy House Various characters
- Berni Stapleton Various characters
- Alison Woolridge Various characters
- Renate Pohl Set, Costume & Props Designer
- Jamie Skidmore Lighting Designer/Carpenter
- George Robertson Sound Designer
- Kirsti Mikoda Stage Manager
- Kevin Woolridge Assistant Director
- Fionnuala McMahon Costume Builder
- Connie Walsh Costume Builder
- Andrew Crawford Carpenter
- Nicole Rousseau Production Manager
- Antoinette Fekete Production Assistant
- Gerry Porter Poster Designer
- Dawn Mason Program Layout Designer
- Trevor Vatcher Poster Photographer
- Katie Butler-Major Publicist
A celebration of our less than perfect lives as lady-wimmin. For everyone of any age, from the tip of wimmin-hood to the greys of wimmin-wise, the show combines skits, sketches, songs and performance art in a smorgasbord of multiple through-lines: meet our family in which 93 year old Uncle B copes with his one armed niece and her religious fanatic daughter. Meet Three Old Ladies who no longer give a fig about anything except gin and funerals. Visit our bra store, ‘Bras Here!’ and find out how getting fitted has little to do with cup size and more with embracing the droop. Singing coffins, dancing fish, dying mom puppets are all contained within a precise imaginative set and costumes. This is a people-loving, man-friendly, fearless examination of comedy for the middle ages of lady-wimmin. Will most likely contain strong language, nudity and the type of outrageous oh-my-god humour one would expect from three Newfoundland lady-wimmin performers. A must see for everyone including men who want to get lucky!
Production type
- RCA Production