Seal Slippers
Run Dates
December 12, 2019–December 15, 2019
December 18, 2019–December 21, 2019
Header image features: Paul Wilson (clockwise from top left), Deidre Gillard-Rowlings, Rory Lambert, Allison Kelly, Colin Furlong, and Una Hill-McMullin. Photo by Ashley Harding.

Poster by Perfect Day.
- Colin Furlong The Prince
- Deidre Gillard-Rowlings Old Hag/Principal Hagnes
- Una Hill-McMullin Salmonella
- Allison Moira Kelly Cinderella
- Rory Lambert Buttons/Duckie
- Paul Ewan Wilson Lady Lungley
- Crystal Laffoley Stage Manager
- Emily Austin Set Designer
- Brian Kenny Lighting Designer/Technical Director/Live Mixer
- Melanie Mooney Costume Designer
- George Robertson Sound Designer
- Shane Johnson Hartley Costume Assistant
- Kate Stenson Assistant Stage Manager/Props Builder
- Laura Williams Props Manager
- Nora Barker Production Assistant
- Danielle Hamel Publicist
- Perfect Day Graphic Designer
- Rich Blenkinsopp Pre-Production Photographer
- Ashley Harding Production Photographer
The Hall Family Panto is back, written by Rory Lambert (playwright of our 2017 Holiday Pantomime, Tangly) and directed by Nicole Rousseau, this time blending the story of Cinderella and classic teen movies of the 80’s, with a dash of the traditional Newfoundland Mummers play mixed in. It’s the night before the big dance and Buttons and his friends have to help Cinderella get to the ball – but the Old Hag has plans of her own and you know she’s going to do whatever it takes to stop her.
Production type
- RCA Production