Ruth Lawrence Boat Load To Ring Road (1989-90) Harpies (1991-92) Out Of Work (1991-92) The Darling Family (1992-93) The Maid of Avalon (1997-98) Corner Green (1998-99) Possible Maps (2002) (2001-02) Wreckhouse (2002-03) Richard III (2002-03) In On It (2006-07) Incomplete Herstory of Women in Newfoundland and Labrador (2008-09) Rocking The Cradle (2009-10) Monarita (2009-10) Sex, The Rules of (2012-13) It is solved by walking (2014-15) Proud (2015-16) Stable Home: Life With Two Horses (2015-16) Live Magazine 2016-17 (2016-17) Kate Crackerberry (2016-17) Offensive to Some (2019) (2018-19)