


Weather Permitting

Run Dates

March 22, 1977–May 31, 1977

November 23, 1978–November 27, 1978

Header image features: Judy Parsons (front-row left), Jane Dingle, Jeff Pitcher (back-row left), Chris Brookes, Terry Rielly. Photo by Kent Barrett.

Poster by Derek Butt courtesy of Archives & Special Collections at Memorial University Libraries






The play looks at the struggle between the Inuit of Labrador and the government which wants to mine for Uranium.

The program for the show provides this description: “We five who created this play are Newfoundlanders, not Labradorians. It is important to realize that the two labels are by no means synonymous. The play is a portrait of a people for whom each of us feels a deep respect, and we hope we have fashioned it with a measure of humility as well as honesty. Its words are not fictional; they are as spoken to us by the people of Nain, Hopedale, and Makkovik during our winter’s residency on the coast.”

Production type

  • Mummers Troupe Production

Producing Partners

  • Labrador Resources Advisory Council